I always wanted to be a Missionary. Now that I have four children at home, eight in Heaven, I realize that my Mission Field is my backyard and my family and I are a testimony to Life!! Here I recount my musings, my stories, thoughts, and adventures as a Mommy and as a Missionary helping to build the Culture of Life! Won't you join me?

Friday, February 1, 2013

My Amazing, Crazy, Unpredictable, Blessed Life

It occurred to me that many of my posts have been about the crosses and sufferings that God has seen fit to send me.  I want you, happy reader, to get a fuller picture.  Yes, I have had what some would call "great suffering."  Yes, I have lost four babies, and buried two of them.  Yes I almost died.  Yes we have had our share of hard times, "for worses" and difficulties. Yes we are often times scraping bottom and relying on God to provide for us.  But there is SO much more.

My life is amazing.

I am extremely blessed to have no regrets.  OK, that's not entirely true.  I have one regret.  When I was to attend the Marine Corps Ball my dad and brother dropped me off.  They wanted to see the Marines.  I was in a silly state of mind - nervous and excited - and I did not pay attention to them.  I didn't realize that they were going to come into the hotel where the ball was held, and I went in ahead of them.  Then when I realized they were there and looking for me, I was already inside and being swept along into the ballroom.  I feel as though I ignored them and hope that I did not hurt my dad's feelings.  The thought of hurting his feelings makes me want to cry.

That's it. That's my regret.  Seriously. I have lived on this earth for about 30 years and I have one regret.

I have often made decisions that have bewildered friends and family.  Sometimes they didn't seem to make sense.  But I do not regret them. Quite the contrary.  I have lived my life - my whole life - as far back as I can remember - with the conviction that God loved me so much that He would show me how to live and what He made me for.  So when I felt He was leading me, I went.  No I ran. And I never looked back.  I prayed my way through school, through college, and into my vocation.  When I wasn't sure what God was asking of me I asked and asked and asked until I was certain.  Then I did it.  
Living like this didn't always make "sense" but to me it has never mattered. God points, I go.  And its an adventure!

I am so blessed to be able to to say that in living for Him and following Him, I have had the privilege of not only serving, but also living with women who faced a pregnancy crisis and their babies.  I have run retreats, and workshops in different states and Canada.  I have met members of the Curia, three, four and five star Generals and the Commandant of the Marine Corps.

I have given talks and speeches. Wined, dined, and rubbed elbows with Congressman and Senators and Governors.  I have ridden freight elevators with Presidential Candidates, have contacts in Government agencies, influenced the political process, drafted legislation, met and worked with amazing, dedicated people from across the country, and across the Atlantic.  I have become a respected Conservative Political Consultant, with a modest name ID.

I have been in the presence of Blessed John Paul II not once, but twice, stood in the Portiuncula in Assisi, and in the catacombs of Rome.  I have met priests and bishops from across the continent, and sisters from around the world.  I have had the ear of Bishops, the friendship of Theologians.  I have dined and relaxed with actors and actresses, celebrities, and celebrated personalities in the Pro-Life world.  I have been honored with recognition and thanks.

I have a husband who is in so many ways my hero.  He has overcome so very much, and is working so hard to be the man God created him to be.  It is a wild and crazy and blessed privileged to be along on the journey.

I have had four amazing, natural, midwife attended births - one of them at home.  I am proud of my femininity and my ability to  nurture New Life. I have 4 beautiful, wonderful, smart and confident children on earth.  I am able to homeschool them and watch them grow.  I have four darling intercessors in Heaven, my little ones who went Home to stretch our family into Eternity.  It is an honor to be the mother of saints.

I have traveled to the Caribbean, to Europe, and to Canada.  I have seen beauty in the mountains  the oceans, and the farmland.  I see God's artwork in the sky.  I have witnessed miracles and seen God's healing first hand.

I have the most incredible family and friends.

None of this I asked for.  None of it I sought.  It is purely and simply the result of following God, one leap of faith after another, where He would have me go and doing what He would have me do.

This life isn't easy. You've probably read enough of my posts to know that its sure has had its crosses and sufferings.  But it is still amazing.  Without the crosses and sufferings, I wouldn't be who I am today, nor would I have the relationship with Christ that I do today.  Following Him is an adventure - full of twists and turns and surprises.  It is not always easy, sometimes it hurts, but its always amazing, crazy, unpredictable, and blessed.

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