I always wanted to be a Missionary. Now that I have four children at home, eight in Heaven, I realize that my Mission Field is my backyard and my family and I are a testimony to Life!! Here I recount my musings, my stories, thoughts, and adventures as a Mommy and as a Missionary helping to build the Culture of Life! Won't you join me?

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Lolek's Friends

As promised! I want to introduce you to these amazing women!

It has taken me a little longer to post than I would have liked, but sick children demanded my attention!

Now that all are healthy again, I want to take some time and introduce you to the ladies who have become my "Virginia Family."  You already met my doula-bestie-extraordinaire, but I absolutely MUST tell you about the rest of the "family!"

After Lolek was born and I was rushed to the hospital, Doula - Bestie -Extraor... wait, how about we use DBE?  OK, so she put out the word on Facebook and phone for prayers.  Immediately and unbeknownst to me, ladies started praying and organizing.  One, we shall call her Fortitude, even came over and checked on the house, made sure Lolek's body was OK (his body needed to be kept on a wet towel in his special box  in the refrigerator.)  Well, they were preparing to bring meals and to help prepare for Lolek's burial when I ended up BACK in the hospital with the PE and Pneumonia.  That's when "Lolek's Friends" was really born.

As I was getting hooked up to heart monitors and being told to not move, my poor shell-shocked husband was left juggling children, and home, and cleaning up the incredible mess almost dying makes.  (who knew?!)  He was sleep deprived, worried, and all of a sudden Mr. Mom.  So DBE started a thread on Facebook. It included friends - some of whom I hadn't met yet - some from out of state, and  my mom and mother in law.  These ladies got to work.  DBE would visit me in the hospital and post updates.  They used a meal planning website and organized meals for a MONTH for my family.  Dear Hubby was so relieved to not have to cook while I was in the hospital, and I couldn't cook once I was out.  They took turns coming to visit and brought me yarn and gummi bears (all I could stomach eating for a while).  They prayed with me, they prayed for me, and then they cleaned my house!!  Once I was home, one dear "sister" whom we shall call Battwoman (dont ask) drove down from upstate New York with her 3 children and baby to help us out for a week!! Talk about love!

Lolek's burial was approaching, and I was back in the hospital.  We wanted to celebrate his short life.  My family was driving in, and I KNEW my house must have been a disaster.  Poor Hubby could only juggle so much, on top of grieving for his baby son, and worrying about me.  Never fear!  One night, I am told, women and husbands, kids and acquaintances, descended on my home.  They deep cleaned, scrubbed, bagged clothes, organized closets, switched the seasons for the kids' clothes, cleaned out the fridge, nuked my bathroom, vacuumed, dusted, decluttered - my husband said he was in awe.  Some of them he had never met before, yet here they were, completely cleaning our house, bringing us meals, watching the kids so he could come visit me.  I felt so very loved!  I felt taken care of!  I was so very humbled.

 Most of them attended Lolek's burial.  The photos that one of the ladies took - she should be a professional photographer and we shall call her Jules.  She is from across the street and our kids are friends - the photos showed so many people! So many children! There were about 20 children at Lolek's burial!  Just children! Sitting in the hospital, looking at the photographs I was filled with such gratitude.  What a blessing these ladies and their families are!

Soon a facebook group was formed where we could expand and pray and help not just ME but each other.  It was suggested that we name it "Lolek's Friends" because he was the person who brought us all together.  I cried.  How beautiful! My little Lolek had a purpose!

I pray for his intercession daily, and I know others who do too.  They have told me he is strong intercessor.  One of the ladies, we shall call her Patience, wrote a Litany to Lolek Pio.  I have included it at the end of this post.

If only we knew at the time how much we would need each other for support and prayer and help.  Each lady, I don't think there were any exceptions, had a cross to bear this last year that required the support and the prayers and the assistance of all of us.  We aren't talking small things here either, we're talking big, scary, life changing, and painful things.  Its as if God used Lolek's death and my health crisis to bring us together because He, in His Wisdom, knew we ALL would need it.

I am so thankful to Him and so thankful for these ladies!  Just this last week I got a call from "Fortitude" who took it upon herself to order a headstone for Lolek to let me know it was in.  She knew it was heavy on my heart and God gave her some special Graces that prompted her to order a stone for him.  I can't tell you how incredibly happy it made me.  I wasn't able to be there for his burial but can now be there for the stone to be set, and then Lolek's Friends can celebrate not only his life, but the comfort and joy and strength that he allows us to give each other.

Before closing, I would like to call your attention to Healer in Your Heart . Vanessa or "Patience" is one of Lolek's Friends.  Last December her husband was diagnosed with a Grade 3 Mixed Brain Tumor.  Some of Lolek's Friends have formed Team McArthur and we are working and fundraising to help the family through this time.  Please take a look at the website and offer your prayers and support.

Vanessa is also the Friend who wrote the Litany of St. Lolek Pio, which I pray daily for these ladies, their intentions, and their families.

Litany of St. Lolek Ricketts
By Vanessa McArthur

Lord, have mercy... Lord, have mercy
Christ, have mercy... Christ, have mercy
Lord, have mercy... Lord, have mercy

Perfect gift... pray for us
Intention of God... pray for us
Consecrated by God... pray for us
Perfectly formed... pray for us
Fearfully made... pray for us
Fruit of the womb... pray for us
Knitted in the womb... pray for us
Welcomed gift... pray for us
Answer to a petition... pray for us
Fullfillment of a request... pray for us
Arrow in a quiver... pray for us
Gracious blessing... pray for us
Heritage from the Lord... pray for us
Gift from the Lord... pray for us
Dweller of Heaven... pray for us
Saved by Christ's mercy... pray for us
Called from the womb... pray for us
Called by name... pray for us
Baby Green Chocolate... pray for us

Lamb of God, you take away the sins of the world... Have mercy on us
Lamb of God, you take away the sins of the world... Have mercy on us
Lamb of God, you take away the sins of the world... Have mercy on us

Let us pray.
Almighty God, in your infinite wisdom and love you brought Lolek Ricketts into the lives of his parents, siblings, and friends. You chose him to be a beacon of hope and light to all who longed to meet him, and used his spirit to bring together a group of faithful friends. As we pray for each other on earth, may we have the help of his intercession in heaven. We ask this through Christ our Lord.

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