I always wanted to be a Missionary. Now that I have four children at home, eight in Heaven, I realize that my Mission Field is my backyard and my family and I are a testimony to Life!! Here I recount my musings, my stories, thoughts, and adventures as a Mommy and as a Missionary helping to build the Culture of Life! Won't you join me?

Saturday, May 22, 2010


If you have been pregnant before, have you ever noticed that strangers seem to think that your pregnancy gives them the leeway to say the most inappropriate and outrageous things to you??  If you are pregnant for the first time, or hoping to be - consider yourself warned!

I was musing about this earlier today because I am, of course, not showing yet (I'm only 5 weeks along here, folks!)  and I couldn't help but wonder what insane comments I am going to hear this time around!  This got me reminiscing and amidst my reminiscing about all the crazy things people have said to me, I had the idea of writing them here for your amusement!  So here are the top five:

5) "Wow, you're huge!"  (I was only 6 months along, and our parish priest hadn't seen me in a month because he'd been traveling)

4)  "Oh wow, are you having twins?  Or are you due any day now?"  (neither - I was 5 months along, with ONE child)

3)  "You need a hobby."  ( random stranger saw that I was pregnant with my fourth child)

2)  Me and one other person were waiting for an elevator in the mall.  When it arrived and the doors opened the person waiting with me looked at my belly, looked at me, looked at me belly again and said, "That's OK, I'll get the next one, there will be more room."  (But I was the only other person getting on the elevator!)

1)  This one takes the cake: I was pregnant with my 3rd child and walking with my oldest 2 (at that time ages 1 1/2 and 3) in Washington DC.  Suddenly a man starts coming toward me yelling, "Shame on you!  Shame on you, girl!"  I was somewhat stunned and thought maybe he mistook me for someone else.  Nope.  He marched right up to me (as I am gripping the hands of my kids very tightly) and says, "You already have your two!  A boy and a girl.  What do you need another one for?!  Shame on you!  Don't you know what kind of carbon footprint kids leave?  It's people like you who are responsible for global warming!  You should be ashamed of yourself!  Global warming is YOUR fault!  All that carbon from more kids! Shame on you!"    

I was quite stunned, and had to fight my protective-mother instinct to inflict bodily harm on this man who was insulting me and my children!  So I took a deep breathe and calmly said, "Sir, if you saw these kid's diapers, the LAST thing you'd be concerned about them emitting is Carbon.  Have a good day!"
and away we walked as fast as my pregnant self and my two kids could go!

Hmmm.....all this reminiscing is making me wonder just what is in store for me this time around - as I go out in public with my four children and a pregnant belly!  One thing is for sure though - it is a great opportunity to witness to the fact that Life is a Gift.  I have taught each of my kids (well the 1 year old can't talk yet)  that "Babies are gifts from God."  They LOVE to remind rude passers-by that "Mommy has a present from God in her tummy."  Who can argue with that?!

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